- mini-opera for 2 persons and 9 instruments - with guest-star Orsolya Juhász from Hungary, for the enlarged GoedLaak orchestra. Originally written for two sopranos and piano, the new version for soprano and tenor of the piece was performed this august in Budapest. On this concert you can see a bigger version orchestrated especially for the GoedLaak&Friends, with light designer Emese Csornai from Amsterdam (also helping us as staging consultant) and the original singers, Orsolya Juhasz and the composer himself. The piece is written on automatic writings of the composer on papers in between his business cards, when he was working as an insurance agent in 2006. The surreal connections between depicted meaning and their symbols, the dreamlike-recurrent themes and change of roles and personages, the dark but beautiful moods create a special atmosphere, in which one can find his way in a subconscious way. The text will be kept in original Hungarian, but you can follow a projection on the wall with the magical drawings of Luis Maly and the translation of the matching texts by Kristyan Sarkis type designer. Georgi Sztojanov:
Dialogues from my head 1. He is home again Two broken flower pots on the floor They were the smiling geraniums of the neighbour - once... Maybe they are in a better place now- I tried to convince myself. These Death-Flowers are only my (only my) share! 2. As many families as many shoes As many mothers as many mouths If it hurts, as many screams A melody Too much 3. Meeting- hurry! Quick, just trust yourself! Love! The rest will follow, the rest will follow... My God! Now help me! 4. Dead flowers In dreams of dead flowers, am I as real, as they are in mine? As Light in the dark, vanishes a questioning word... 5. A bit frozen, a bit dead I lived through the morning The smile on my face: after my dead wishes, the cooling surprise of reconciliation. It was worth playing God - for the punishment 6. I don't want the Gerbera, I don't want the Gerbera, I don't want the Gerbera, no! - you convulsed, power lost, in the greyest corner of the room. Even that flower was false was false was false I loved the bread you baked The bread I loved Pity, pity you lied even that Pity you lied even that Was false 7. Your rings are The snitching accomplices Of your torn grace - I listen to you alone Today I woke up smiling Even from the thought I am terrified That I should be losing Even You 8. My quilted-full-with-diminuitives Self Is thirsty with gratefulness for You Who you yourself are also being Surprisingly me. 9. You want to make me seem beautiful - sounded the accusation from your tastelessly harsh-painted lips Thats why you are paying me - sounded the answer. 10. This man is a fraud! - you said And you pulled up the black one. You were angry, (angry?) and pretty. Unadvisedly pretty. How you pulled up above your empty breasts the zipper - well darling, that was Life itself. 11. Oh, come on! - he shouted suddenly. His lips went forward, With a careless and clumsy movement He turned to me And when (when) when I was expecting it the least He hugged me - Everything is here. You are in the Right place. This is The Truth. 12. From happiness Stretched he lied On the rigid floor of The locomotive Through the window The turtledoves ran out I'm happy - he said With his indifferent voice On his face a smile While slowly slumbering into sleep. |
Sztojanov Georgi:
DIALÓGUSOK AZ AGYAMBÓL 1. Megint otthon van - két törött cserép a földön - a szomszéd mosolygós muskátlijai voltak valaha. Most talán jobb helyen vannak - nyugtatgattam magam - ilyen halálvirágok csak nekem jutottak. 2. Annyi család, mint cipő. Ahány anya, annyi száj. Ha fáj, annyi ordítás. Egy dallam. Már sok. 3. Találkozás.Siess. Gyorsan bízz magadban.Szeress. A többi majd jön. Magától. Istenem! Most segíts! 4. Halott virágok álmában vajh én is oly valódi vagyok, mint ők enyéimben? Mint fény a sötétben, veszik el a kérdő szó... 5. Kicsit fagyottan, kicsit halottan éltem meg a reggelt. A mosoly arcomon - halott akaratim után a megbékélés hűs újdonsága. Megérte Istent játszani. A bűntetés miatt. 6. Nem akarom a gerberát! Csak vonaglottál erőtlenül a szoba legszürkébb sarkában. Még az a virág is hamis volt. Szerettem a kenyeret, amit sütöttél. Kár, hogy azt is csak hazudtad. 7. Gyűrűid megnyúzott kecsességed árulkodó cinkosai: Rád hallgatok egyedül. Ma mosolyogva keltem. Még a gondolattól is rettegek, hogy el kéne téged is vesztenem. 8. Kicsinyítőképzőkkel telitűzdelt énem hálával szomjas terád, aki temagad is meglepően én vagyok. 9. Szépnek akarsz láttatni - hangzott a vád ízléstelenül erősre festett ajkaidból. Ezért fizetsz - hangzott a válasz. 10. Ez az ember csaló - mondtad, és fölvetted a feketét - mérges voltál és csinos – meggondolatlanul csinos. Ahogy felhúztad üres melled fölé a zippzárt, hát drágám, az maga volt az élet. 11. Ugyanmár! -kiáltott fel hirtelen, ajka előrebiggyedt, óvatlan és ügyetlen mozdulattal felém fordult és amikor legkevésbé vártam volna, megölelt. -Minden itt van. Jó helyen jársz. EZ az Igazság. 12. A boldogságtól elnyúlva feküdt a mozdony merev padlóján. Az ablakon kifutottak a gerlicék. Boldog vagyok - mondta közömbös hangján, arcán mosollyal álomba szenderülvén. Visit the GoedLaak website for more!
Pictures from the rehearsals